Monday, January 14, 2008

Musings from my Starbucks cup

The Way I See It #288
by Losang Rabgey, Ph.D.

'My cousin in Tibet is an illiterate subsistence farmer.
By accident of birth, I was raised in the West and
have a Ph.D. The task of our generation is to cut
through the illusion that we inhabit separate worlds.
Only then will we find the heart to rise to the
daunting but urgent challenges of global disparity.'

(Losang Rabgey, Ph.D. is a National Geographic Emerging Explorer
and co-founder of Machik, a nonprofit helping communities on the Tibetan plateau.)

You've got to love a world that gives you things to think about while sipping a cup of coffee! I like that Starbucks started to put quotes on their cups, which quite often make me stop and think for a moment. If you haven't read your cup lately, please do so! Some will make you think, and others will make you smile. Some you won't like. But that's okay. That's what makes the world an interesting place ----- differences of opinion. But go ahead, read your Starbucks cup ---- it just might make your day more thoughtful and interesting!
For more quotes, go to:

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