I love the 'barn star' I have on the front of my house. I was thinking about buying one because I thought they looked nice. Then Dave & I went to visit his brother back in Maryland. He and his wife took us through the Amish country in Pennsylvania, and there were all sizes of these stars all over. Once I saw how great they looked on all the different buildings, I knew for sure I'd get one when we got back home. I went to Home Goods and got a star for our house. But when I started to put it up, Dave asked me, in all seriousness, "Won't people think we're Amish?" I had a good laugh, and told him no, that the cars parked in our driveway would give us away. Luckily, these stars are now found everywhere, not just in Amish country! I think they look great!
My friend AJ has a link to a site that shows how to alter the stars using scrapbook paper. It is so cool! I definitely want to give it a try. I'm not sure how many more stars Dave will want me to hang inside and outside of the house, but I want to make one with Christmas papers for sure!

Next to my new, artistic embellishment holder is my Cricut machine. Do you Cricut? For all of my friends out there who aren't using theirs yet, here's some help for you: videos! If you're like me, you like someone to walk you through how to use something. . . . .Well, you can do what I did: check out this site ---- http://www.cricut.com/movies/ It shows you step by step how to use and maintain your Cricut. So what's stopping you now? : )
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