The other evening our son called my husband and me outside to look at the sky. The three of us stood there gazing up at the beautiful colors. My husband said our street looked like "Hometown USA." I loved that description. . . .we live in such a nice place! And, although our house is 'small' by current standards, we have a great neighborhood and a comfortable house, and we feel very blessed. Hometown, USA. It has a nice ring to it!
Tomorrow the Chargers will play a playoff game against the Tennessee Titans.
Go Chargers!! I'll be watching my new favorite player, Clinton Hart (#42).
Clinton was one of three Chargers who recently came to my school to encourage the kids after the wildfires. He was articulate and funny and related to the kids, taking time to answer their questions and then going out into the crowd of kids to 'high-five' as many of them as he could. What a great representative of the Chargers he was; what a great person he portrayed to the kids!Go Chargers!! I'll be watching my new favorite player, Clinton Hart (#42).
I'm taking my picture-a-day. . . . . are you? :) 365 project
"We shall not cease to explore and the end of all our exploration will be to arrive at the place where we began and see it for the first time." — T.S. Elliot
Beth, the fact that you are blogging makes me feel more connected to the modern world! My dear friend, you are always an inspiration.
Linda Giannelli Pratt
It's me. AJ. Haven't gone by my 'real' first name since high school. Guess it was my way of breaking out of the mold my mother tried to cram me into.
Anyhooooo, I was thrilled to see your post in our dearest buddy Beth's blog. My blod is the "Primitives ~ Life ~ Art" one that Beth has listed.
Stop by for a visit!
That Beth-a-rina! She has so many good friends--Ava, Cindy, Cyndi, Terry--to name just a few. And I like them all, too!
We should plan a "Beth Reunion"-- all the friends and family of Beth get together and celebrate with each other. Some people might call that a birthday party, but apparently Beth doesn't have those any more.
Yes Linda, our Beth-a-rina IS the PRIMA Beth-a-rina! She must be very busy with school right now and not have time to post, so we'll just have to talk amongst ourselves for a while.
A 'Beth Reunion' sounds good to me! I could use a dose of California sunshine. (of course I'm tied down to our store for another two years, BUT, that gives us plenty of time to plan)
We could have out own little club, like the Red Hat Society, but not red and not hats. I don't like wearing hats. Maybe T-shirts. How about Beth-a-rina's buddies!?!?
Now what have YOU been up to the past dozen years or so since we last caught up with each other??? You can email me at folkartoriginals@yahoo.com
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