Thursday, December 5, 2013

Merriment . . .

Ms. Elf decided to keep an eye on Dave from the 'fridge, so she wrapped up in a towel and waited for him to get something out of the 'fridge in the morning:

6:00 AM

But (according to Dave) she couldn't resist one of these when she saw them in the 'fridge:

8:00 AM

That Dave is a FUNNY guy!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merriment, day four . . . and Game On!!!

Ms. Elf got mischievous and played with the toilet paper last night.

Here's how she greeted Dave this morning:
And here's how I found her later:
Dave said, "She got toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her feet."

Yep, game on!!
This is going to be a F-U-N December!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merriment, day 3 . . . and an unexpected twist

Where was Ms. Elf first thing this morning, waiting for Dave to start his day?

In his coffee cup, waiting behind the cupboard door until he opened it up to have his first cup of coffee this morning!


But then when I got up a bit later . . .
here's how I found Ms. Elf:

Hmmm . . . good move, Dave!
Looks like this may be way more fun
than I had even imagined!!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Introducing . . . the Elf at our house.

Ms. Elf showed up this morning, and left a note for Dave on the chalkboard. 

Dave asked me about it . . . "What's this?" 
In my best poker-face {which really, I have no poker face}, I said, "What?"

  The Elf's magic must have worked,
because Dave looked puzzled.

 Then he asked me, "Did Amy do this before she left yesterday?"  [My friend Amy had stopped by yesterday afternoon].

Again, I tried to put on a straight face and
told him I had no idea.

At that point I think he wasn't sure what the
heck was going on! 

Now I'm SURE I can't wait for tomorrow!

Oh how fun!!!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let the merriment begin!

December 1, 2013:
Let the merriment begin!