Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Week in my Life. . . .

Decided I'm going to do this "challenge" this week:
documenting a week in your life.
Anybody else game? I've seen things like this before, and never felt like I had the time or energy to do it. But I'm just coming off a week of being sick (just one of those nasty colds that makes you feel extra tired and run down and like you want to chop your head off for relief) and I'm feeling more energetic and ready to do something creative. I think it would be fun. Check out the Daily Tasks For The Week which all seem reasonable and doable, even with working all week. (That working thing keeps getting in the way of my scrapbooking and creative time! LOL!) So, there's my focus for this week: documenting what exactly happens to me each day. Fun!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

90 Days!

Just read this on another blog:
"Do you know what today is?
It is the 25th...which means.......3 months (90 days) from today.......Christmas Day will be here!
YES! is 90 days till Christmas...Can you believe it?"

Have you started your crafting and/or shopping yet? Well, I have. I have my "notebook" ready....(the one that drives my sister crazy). I have everyone's name that I'm buying for on a separate page, and I write down ideas of what to buy or make for them. Then, when I'm out during the next 90 days, all I need to do is flip open my notebook and see what I've jotted down. It makes it so much easier for me during this season!

I also went to a class the other night and started a mini-book, which I would love to show here, but it is for a friend of mine, who might see this, and then it would ruin the surprise. But it is really cute! And quite unique. Maybe I can post a picture of it in January.

So, get going........only 90 more days!!! (Went to Costco today, and got into the spirit even more, because they, of course, have their Christmas decorations out and for sale. Gotta love it! Having worked for them before becoming a teacher, I know that they have the early-in, early-out philosophy, so I knew I'd see Christmas items for sale. Kind of fun to see, even in September, when the weather today was over 90 degrees here in Poway!)

Only 90 more days! : D

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Half my life

Happy Anniversary to my hubby. . . .

. . . .who today I have been married to for half of my life! : )

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It was a fun, creative time!

My friend Michelle and I went over to a scrapbooking store in Vista to take two classes taught by Stephanie Ackerman. I follow Stephanie's blog, Homegrown Hospitality, and was thrilled when I saw she was teaching two classes at the Pink Pineapple Scrapbook Store.

Her first class was DOODLING. Okay, I love doodling; I'm a born doodler. And I love seeing the writing that Stephanie does on her blog, so I was excited to learn her "expertise" in the matter! Here's a sample of my first doodling, a tag with my name on it:

Michelle decided to doodle a word that (I think) pretty much sums up how she is all the time:

We even got to doodle my word for this year:

This picture was taken during my creation of my doodled create. I'll have to take a picture of the final product and show you how it turned out.

And finally, here's a picture of me with Stephanie:

So fun to meet her in person!

Her second class was a mini book, made from Kraft paper bags. She let us use lots of her ribbon and embellishments, and we were left to create at will. Michelle and I left before finishing, but we're both going to finish them (soon) and compare what our final products turned out to be. Michelle does a super job with mini books, so I feel the pressure to try to be extra creative. : )

All in all, it was a fun Friday night with an awesome friend, and a chance to meet someone in the paper/scrapbooking industry who is willing to share her creativity with others.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thank you

. . . . . .my friends!

Just want to say "thanks" to all my friends, near & far, and remind you
that I love you and cherish your friendship!!!

. . . . .because you are in my life!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A quick look at Santa Fe

I'm still having problems uploading some of my pictures from Santa Fe, New Mexico, but here are a few. . . . what a beautiful place!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Corks and Canvas

After visiting so many art galleries in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Dave and I became inspired to come home and do some of our own artwork!!

Dave got his hundreds. . . .no, THOUSANDS. . . .of corks down from the rafters in the garage. He has been saving them for YEARS! He said that "someday" he wanted to do a "project." He wasn't sure what he was going to do with them, but he kept saving them. It got to the point where the boys and I suggested he build a boat with them, since he had SO many of them!

So he has spent days (literally) just sorting the corks into various categories: wine corks with names of wineries on them, plain corks, champagne corks, "old wine corks," etc. He got out a piece of wood to try to create something. . . .but still isn't sure what. But at least he's in a creative frame of mind!

I got a blank canvas out of the garage, that I've had for about 8 months now, to finally create a project I've had on my mind for that long. I really was inspired by all the different types of mediums that the artists used in Santa Fe. . . .they used all sorts of materials to create different textures and different colors and different types of artwork! So, I'm geared up to finally get a dose of creativity going, especially since I don't have to be working on Master's papers anymore! Yeah!! Inspiration and time ---- a creative person's dream! : )

As soon as one (or both) of us finish our projects, I'll post pictures. And, if you have any suggestions about what to do with thousands of corks, send them my way!!