Saturday, January 7, 2012

one little word

I've picked my one little word for 2012.  (For those of you who don't know what this means, see Ali Edwards blog).  I've been choosing a word each year to focus on for the last few years.  In 2011 my word was "do."  The year before that it was "mindful."  Before that I chose the word "create."

This year the word that I have chosen (or like some people say, my one little word has chosen me):

Well, it's not a little word per se . . . it's rather long.  :-)   But it is the one little word that I want to focus on for this year.  I've told a few of my friends my word and they have all said, "But you are conscientious!"  To which I reply that yes, I am in many areas, but not all.  And that's what I want to focus on for 2012.

So join the journey . . . pick one little word to focus and concentrate on for 2012.  (If you have trouble choosing a word, go to ali's site and see the list of words some of her followers have already chosen this year --- one might resonate with you!)

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