I love Peeps. Always have, ever since I was small. Don't know the allure of them, but I always buy them for Easter.
This year, I was intrigued by Peeps Week from Love From the Oven and other blogs showcasing Peeps. So, with my packages of Peeps at the ready, I decided to try some new and different ideas.
First up, I tried to recreate the "dipped Peeps on a stick" I saw at Love From the Oven. Here's what it looked like on her blog:
Here's what mine ended up looking like:
Okay, they don't look quite the same. But they tasted GREAT (if you like a huge sugar rush!)
My next attempt was to make the "Tuxedo Peeps" from Babble. Here's what they look liked on that site:
And here are the way mine turned out:
MUCH closer to the original than my attempt at "Peeps on a stick"!!
To add to the Peep-a-Rama happening here on Easter Sunday, my mom brought me some packaged Chocolate-Covered-Peeps:
(Although according to one blog I read, the prepacked Peeps aren't sugar coated like regular Peeps so the chocolate will stick better on them. But if you dip your own Peeps at home, you get to put the chocolate on top of the existing Peeps that come covered with sugar already --- thus leading the the sugar rush!!!)
And my sister brought over some Chocolate-Mousse-Flavored-Peeps:
Fun times with Peeps!! :)
Hope you had a great Easter too!