How quickly a week's vacation can fly by!!
Spent most of it relaxing,
in my jammies ---
---starting the day off right, around 9:30 :)
with my cup of coffee,
then working on getting my scrapbooking 'stuff' put away from my recent crop,
and organizing my zillions of pictures that seem to keep growing in number,
even though I scrapbook so many of them,
and getting other areas organized and back in order,
such as putting away my Valentine's decorations ---
and other 'decluttering'
and even found some time for reading
(although my stack still seems to continue to grow . . .
so much to read, so little time).
But now, reality is setting in . . .
. . . as I realize the 5:15 AM alarm will be starting again
in 2 days. And I'll have to get in some "real" clothes
and be able to speak in coherent sentences all day
and teach those 36 students of mine all they need to know
before they move on to middle school.
It's been a great week of being able to kick back and relax.
Time to get ready for reality.