Okay, so it has been a week and I'm (somewhat) over losing my whole post from last week.
On to this week, and the one. little. word journey.
So, what is this journey?
Well, I got into it a few years ago because of one of my favorite creative people,
Ali Edwards.
The first year my word was creative.
This year, it is . . . drumroll please . . .
Yep, do. Just two little letters.
That mean a lot.
How does one pick their "one little word"?
Many people say that the word picks them.
(That's what Ali says of her word for this year. Her word is
I picked "do" after some thinking about the new year, and what I wanted out of it.
I want to do more things.
Read more (which means I need to turn off the t.v. more). I just need to do it.
And I want to do more things, like invite people over more, for dinner or wine tastings or coffee.
I want to say "yes" to things instead of "oh, I don't know, I'm too tired."
(Case in point---Dave mentioned wanting to go to the recent Auto Show in San Diego. He wasn't sure. We talked about it. Were undecided. Then I said, "Let's do it!" So we went---and had a GREAT time.
Sat in a lot of cars. Looked at the prices. Gasped. And then appreciated our new (used) car, which we paid a fraction of the cost of a new one . . . {our car, new, would cost $70,000 --- ugh!!!!!!!!} Anyway, we ended our day walking up 5th Ave. and had drinks and appetizers at the Hilton Hotel as the sun set over another fabulous day in San Diego --- all because we decided to go to the Auto Show instead of staying home.)
A lot of the things I want to do are small --- walk around the neighborhood more often when I get home from work --- to larger ones, like fulfill a desire to go on a zip line. (I've heard that there's a zip line on Catalina, which I've never been to, so if I go to Catalina AND go on the zip line there, I will have fulfilled two of the things I want to do.) Of course, I think I'd rather go on a zip line in, say, Chile. But that's another story.
On Ali Edward's blog, people wrote in with their word.
I looked them over, and considered a few. One was the word "experience" because I want to experience new things in the new year.
But then, I decided that the word that best described what I want to do in the new year is, actually, do.
One woman named Lee picked "do" and describes it well on her blog:
(Thanks, Lee, for the graphic "do") :-)
So, I'm off to DO things, DO life, have fun DOING more.
Here's to a Happy 2011.
DOING life.
One. little. word. That means a lot.