Saturday, January 17, 2009

2009 word

After a lot of thinking, I've come up with my word for 2009:

Mindful . . .
. . . as in being mindful of what's really important in life,
. . . as in being mindful of each moment,
. . . as in being mindful of the words I (and others) use when talking about someone else.

"Mindfulness, simply put, comes down to allowing yourself to be in this moment."
This quote is the beginning of an article titled Mindfulness meditation and the law of attraction by Tracy Connery. Check it out here.

Have you picked out your 2009 word yet? A fun article to read about it is Shout Out Your Word and Create Your Year Starting Right Now… on Christine Kane's blog. She talks about the positive differences in choosing a word for the year rather than going the make-a-resolution route. And, she has a list of words for you to look at in case you need more suggestions.

I've got a lot on my plate over the next few weeks, which I'll be blogging about soon (can't believe my last post was on January 1st, and it's already the 17th!!! Speaking of which, I have said good-bye to meat, haven't had any in weeks, and even had TOFU for lunch on Thursday!!) Anyway, I hope to keep up my blog a lot better than I have so far this year! I'm still working on changing it around a bit, too.

(And yes, AJ, being mindful does include being mindful of when someone's birthday is coming up, and not missing it by a month or more!!!) : )

1 comment:

aj said...

Got my package! Thanks B! Always so much fun getting a bunch of assorted treasures. You must have your own 'spiral binder maker thingy'! How fun is that?!?!?

aj (preparing for ANOTHER smattering of SNOW today!!)