I am a Phoenix . . . again.
I've started my last two on-line classes that I need to take
for a Certificate to teach English Language Learners in California.
Yes, I've been teaching for 14 years now.
Yes, I've taught English Language Learners (ELL's) along the way.
Yes, I have my Master's degree, and am a National Board Certified Teacher.
But I'm still required to have this certificate.
The reading is interesting and I like learning. But having to write papers (APA style, of course) and post responses to questions and 'discuss' things with classmates for four to seven days out of the week is hard, especially when I'm teaching 5th graders full time!
Oh well. These two classes should be the last two I need to take.
And then, I'll get to take a pay cut, because of the awful mess California is in.
Ah, the joys of teaching . . .
(although a tired one!)