Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The haircut!




And yes, Nick donated all of his hair to Locks of Love.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I am a Phoenix . . . again.

I've started my last two on-line classes that I need to take
for a Certificate to teach English Language Learners in California.

Yes, I've been teaching for 14 years now.
Yes, I've taught English Language Learners (ELL's) along the way.
Yes, I have my Master's degree, and am a National Board Certified Teacher.

But I'm still required to have this certificate.

The reading is interesting and I like learning.  But having to write papers (APA style, of course) and post responses to questions and 'discuss' things with classmates for four to seven days out of the week is hard, especially when I'm teaching 5th graders full time!

Oh well.  These two classes should be the last two I need to take.

And then, I'll get to take a pay cut, because of the awful mess California is in.

Ah, the joys of teaching . . .

(although a tired one!)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Much as I dislike the snow and cold in person,
I enjoy watching the Winter Olympics when they roll around.

Such dedication of those athletes!
Who do it for the love of the sport, not the money.

I'm rooting for Apolo Ohno to win a record amount
of medals at the Winter Olympics.
He is awesome to watch, so smooth on the ice.
(And cute, too!)

So here's to the athletes from all of the countries,
for their dedication and hard work.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who Dat????

Who dat says they're going to beat the Saints?

Not the Colts.

"It was all meant to be. It was destiny,'' said Drew Brees,
after leading his New Orleans Saints to a win,
and being named the MVP of the Super Bowl!
Congratulations Drew Brees and New Orleans.

You deserve it!

Are you ready for some football . . .

I'm ready for today's Super Bowl, even though my beloved Chargers are not in it.  (Nor do they deserve to be, after their loss in the playoffs.)

But I digress.  I'm excited to be rooting for the New Orleans Saints.
Mostly, because of this guy:
Quarterback Dree Brews.

Who used to play for the Chargers.

But got injured, and subsequently got let go by the Chargers.

And who today may lead his new team, the Saints,
to victory in the Super Bowl.

Good for him!  AND, he is an awesome presence in the city of New Orleans, who is still trying to recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

So, my heart goes to the Saints.

They have a tough fight today, as Peyton Manning is one heck of a quarterback!  But I'm pulling for Dree and the Saints to pull it off.