Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's your one. little. word. for 2011?

Okay, so it has been a week and I'm (somewhat) over losing my whole post from last week.
On to this week, and the one. little. word journey.

So, what is this journey?
Well, I got into it a few years ago because of one of my favorite creative people, Ali Edwards.
The first year my word was creative.
The next year was mindful.
Last year was change.
This year, it is . . . drumroll please . . .

Yep, do.  Just two little letters.
That mean a lot.

How does one pick their "one little word"?
Many people say that the word picks them.
(That's what Ali says of her word for this year.  Her word is light.)

I picked "do" after some thinking about the new year, and what I wanted out of it.
I want to do more things.
Read more (which means I need to turn off the t.v. more).  I just need to do it.
And I want to do more things, like invite people over more, for dinner or wine tastings or coffee.
I want to say "yes" to things instead of "oh, I don't know, I'm too tired."
(Case in point---Dave mentioned wanting to go to the recent Auto Show in San Diego.  He wasn't sure.  We talked about it.  Were undecided.  Then I said, "Let's do it!"  So we went---and had a GREAT time.
Sat in a lot of cars.  Looked at the prices.  Gasped.  And then appreciated our new (used) car, which we paid a fraction of the cost of a new one . . .   {our car, new, would cost $70,000 --- ugh!!!!!!!!}  Anyway, we ended our day walking up 5th Ave. and had drinks and appetizers at the Hilton Hotel as the sun set over another fabulous day in San Diego --- all because we decided to go to the Auto Show instead of staying home.)

A lot of the things I want to do are small --- walk around the neighborhood more often when I get home from work --- to larger ones, like fulfill a desire to go on a zip line.  (I've heard that there's a zip line on Catalina, which I've never been to, so if I go to Catalina AND go on the zip line there, I will have fulfilled two of the things I want to do.)  Of course, I think I'd rather go on a zip line in, say, Chile.  But that's another story.

On Ali Edward's blog, people wrote in with their word.  
I looked them over, and considered a few.  One was the word "experience" because I want to experience new things in the new year.
But then, I decided that the word that best described what I want to do in the new year is, actually, do.
One woman named Lee picked "do" and describes it well on her blog:

(Thanks, Lee, for the graphic "do")  :-)

So, I'm off to DO things, DO life, have fun DOING more.
Here's to a Happy 2011.
DOING life.

One. little. word.  That means a lot.
