Thursday, December 5, 2013

Merriment . . .

Ms. Elf decided to keep an eye on Dave from the 'fridge, so she wrapped up in a towel and waited for him to get something out of the 'fridge in the morning:

6:00 AM

But (according to Dave) she couldn't resist one of these when she saw them in the 'fridge:

8:00 AM

That Dave is a FUNNY guy!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merriment, day four . . . and Game On!!!

Ms. Elf got mischievous and played with the toilet paper last night.

Here's how she greeted Dave this morning:
And here's how I found her later:
Dave said, "She got toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her feet."

Yep, game on!!
This is going to be a F-U-N December!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merriment, day 3 . . . and an unexpected twist

Where was Ms. Elf first thing this morning, waiting for Dave to start his day?

In his coffee cup, waiting behind the cupboard door until he opened it up to have his first cup of coffee this morning!


But then when I got up a bit later . . .
here's how I found Ms. Elf:

Hmmm . . . good move, Dave!
Looks like this may be way more fun
than I had even imagined!!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Introducing . . . the Elf at our house.

Ms. Elf showed up this morning, and left a note for Dave on the chalkboard. 

Dave asked me about it . . . "What's this?" 
In my best poker-face {which really, I have no poker face}, I said, "What?"

  The Elf's magic must have worked,
because Dave looked puzzled.

 Then he asked me, "Did Amy do this before she left yesterday?"  [My friend Amy had stopped by yesterday afternoon].

Again, I tried to put on a straight face and
told him I had no idea.

At that point I think he wasn't sure what the
heck was going on! 

Now I'm SURE I can't wait for tomorrow!

Oh how fun!!!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let the merriment begin!

December 1, 2013:
Let the merriment begin!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Is it bad that I want to get one of these "Elf on the Shelf" guys just for me?  With no kids in the house, it doesn't quite seem right . . . and yet, I keep thinking of all sorts of things for him to do that would amuse me tremendously . . .

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hello October

My favorite time of the year is here.
Lots of pumpkins and orange and yellow.
The start of decorating "season" ---
Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas.
The weather getting a bit cooler.
(Although in So. Calif. we still will
have days in the 80's).
Hello October.

Monday, September 16, 2013

New Journey

It has "officially" been three months since I retired from teaching.  At first it just seemed like "summer vacation" so I didn't feel any different. My school has been back in session for 3-1/2 weeks, so now I'm experiencing what it's really like being retired.  The best part so far is that I get to sleep in . . . for as long as I want. And lately, I've wanted to sleep in a long time. 

Now I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. I am looking into a few things, taking a few classes, and enjoying having the option to explore. I know I am very lucky to have this luxury. So let the "new" journey begin . . .

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

No more . . .

No more . . .

No more . . .    

No more . . .    
teacher's dirty looks

I'm . . .      

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

DoodleArt by the fabulous Stephanie Ackerman at Homegrown Hospitality
Happy Mother's Day to MY mom!
And hope all my friends who are moms are enjoying their day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Still working on LESS.
LESS stuff.
LESS calories.
LESS stress.
Doing "okay" with it.
Thinking about making changes.
Big changes.
LESS . . .

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Good News

While she is old (80 in human years) and is currently fighting a bladder infection & is on thyroid medicine, the Vet just called to let us know that she does NOT have diabetes like he thought she might.  Yeah!!  No two-shots-of-insulin-per-day for our dear little Patches!!  

Friday, January 18, 2013


Doing okay with my "less" word.
get rid of it
Cleaned out my closet and got rid of some clothes.
Redid and organized my collection of ribbons and gift bags.
Got rid of some materials that I have not used at school in years and could recreate or find on-line if necessary.

let go . . .
 Working on having less, appreciating all that I have more!   :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

my one little word for 2013

           I decided on my one little word for this year. 
It is: 
Less.   Inspiring do with less post-Reaves, party of 4
 Less is More
quote bites

Less stuff
Less eating
Less of me
Less spending
Less stress
"all you need is less

Friday, January 4, 2013

one. little. word.

Here it is January 4th, and I still don't have my one little word.  Like I said in my previous post, most of the time the word just comes to me ("finds" me) but not this year.  However, I have made a list of words that I've either thought of or ones that I saw on Ali Edwards blog.  Here's the list of words I'm considering:


The ones that are bold are the ones most in the running right now.  I think I know the "right" one but I need to think about it a bit more.  I asked my husband to help me pick one, and his favorite involves any kind of "decluttering" that I might do (I like my "stuff" and have a hard time parting with it!!) but I want to make sure my one little word encompasses everything I want to accomplish this year.  I'll be figuring out the right word soon .... this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest.  I'll post my word when I figure out what it is!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013