Sunday, August 23, 2009

That time of year

Yep, it's that time of year . . . Back to School!
I survived the first two days!
I have 33 students in my 5th grade classroom this year.
I think it'll be a great year --- if I can get used to waking up at 5:00 AM again!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Halloween in August

You've probably heard of Christmas in July.
Well, now I give you Halloween in August.
My good friend AJ sent me a box of goodies with some of her
handcrafted Halloween decorations.
They are so cute, I can't seem to put them away.
Oh well, October is only two months away.
I think they'll stay where they are until then.
(Unless Dave totally loses it before then; he's not that into keeping Halloween decorations up for a couple of months --- obviously a character flaw of his!)

AJ has a store in Oregon, which she is in the process of closing.
BUT, I think she'll be selling more of her items on-line in the future.
When she gets it going, I'll link to her new site.
Such cute stuff!
Love it!!
Happy Halloween! (a little early)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last night, Dave and I went to the Padres game. Not that we really wanted to see the poor last place Padres play. But some friends invited us, and we figured they'd have some good seats, so we said yes.

But they didn't have good seats.
They had INCREDIBLE seats!!!
Unbelievable seats!!!

You've probably have seen the seats before on TV. . . the ones right behind the plate.
Field level.
They call them "dugout seats."

But, that's not all.
These tickets get you entry into a restaurant. Where you get to see
players practicing in these underground batting cages. Right next to you
when you're eating.

Oh . . . and you can have all that you want to eat --- salads, steak, ribs, pot stickers, stir fry, mashed potatoes . . . AND, you can have all that you want to drink ---
water, soda, iced tea, beer, wine, tequila, vodka, whatever.

THEN, you go down a hall to another area. Where there is more food.
Boar's Head meats, sandwiches, hot dogs roasting, desserts galore --- cakes,
cookies, crepes they make for you to order.
As much as you want.

And of course, private bathrooms you
can use throughout the game.

THEN you head out to your seats. So close you can touch the players (or so it seems).
And the seats are padded. Actual comfortable seats at a ballgame!
And if you haven't had enough to eat or drink yet, you can order something from
the waitress, who brings it to you ---- for FREE.*

* Okay, so not quite FREE.
I mean, it's part of the cost of the tickets.
Which cost $ 325.00.
Three hundred twenty-five dollars, each!

So, on a beautiful summer night in San Diego,
I got to sit at a ballgame and enjoy a wonderful treat.

Even the fact that I'm on a strict diet didn't keep me from having a great time.
I mean, when else can I go to a ball game and order a shrimp cocktail
and have it delivered to me at my seat.
For FREE.**

(**FREE to me --- thanks to our friends who got tickets from someone
who obviously has lots more money than we have!)
$325.00 each seat.