Yep, I wore my
pink shirt today to show support for the teachers who are being pink-slipped. (Okay, not the one in the above picture! The only pink shirt I had was my Charger's t-shirt, with LaDanian's #21 on the front of it.) It's a frustrating process to go through. And while I know that not all of the teachers who got a pink slip this week will ultimately lose their jobs, there will be a lot more teachers unemployed next year . . . the economy in California is just too bad for things to stay the way they are. (Luckily, I've been teaching long enough---thirteen "contracted" year now---that I won't personally be affected.) But we are going to lose some great teachers, and class sizes will probably increase by 50% in the grades I teach (currently, a 2nd and 3rd grade Multiage class). Teaching is a really hard job --- and I can compare it to all the jobs I had in the business world before I became a teacher --- and when you're dealing with kids, there is no one way to do things. So, show your support for a teacher. . .write a note to your child's teacher thanking them for their hard work! A nice note goes a long way!!!