This week I have been off from school (we get a week off in February by combining the Presidents' birthday holidays with some district recess days), so I've been trying a new way to organize my (thousands of) photos. It is based on the book Photo Freedom by Stacy Julian:

I signed up for an on-line course based on this book. It actually runs through the end of May! We 'meet' online once a week. So far, we have been asked to organize our photos into chronological order, and put them into a certain type of binder for temporary storage. My dining room table was covered with pictures all week! I'll have to post some pictures of how it looked! Stacy calls her system the Library of Memories system:
Look at how neatly she has all of her albums lined up!! Hopefully, this big mess on my dining room table will turn into a better way to keep my pictures and my creativity flowing.
"Trust me," Stacy says. Okay, for now, I will. I'll trust that her system will give me "freedom" from trying to scrap every single photo I have, from being overwhelmed by the number of photos I have, and from getting too bogged down by all the photos to enjoy the process of scrapbooking. Photo Freedom --- sounds good to me!