Are you taking pictures? Are you noticing all the great things around you? Are you stopping to "smell the roses"? Are you remembering to capture all the little moments in your life along with the big ones? Here are some of my recent, random pictures from my life:

Nick -- everything is great! He just turned 21 last Saturday! Where
does the time go?!?!
My dad wearing nice new jeans. (My dad never wears jeans, so I just had to capture this!!) : )

My brother-in-law, Brian, visiting from Maryland. Hi Brian! Wish you & Karen lived closer!

I just love it when the wind blows through the Mexican grass on our back yard hill. It is so beautiful, and makes me feel serene and peaceful when the wind rustles through it!

Mike --- trying out a Mohawk haircut. (Thankfully, this was just a 'fun' thing for him to do as he was cutting his hair short in anticipation of warmer weather). He did, however, keep it for more than a day. . . and he even wore it out in public, much to the chagrin of his mother!!

This is Dave 'combing' the beautiful Mexican grasses so that they stay so beautiful! (Okay, he is using a rake to 'comb' out the excess grass, but he calls it combing, so we'll go with that). All I know is that I'm thankful for all the work he does on our hill, because it continues to look wonderful and we enjoy looking at it every single day!

This is Nick helping Dave take out a LARGE plant that was growing on the hill. It looked really nice, but in actuality is called a 'pampas grass' which is really a weed. In fact, in some countries it is illegal to have in landscaping! It is known as an invasive weed. The one we had on our hill was already there when we did our re-landscaping, and we liked the look of it, so we left it. But after doing a lot of reading about it, Dave decided it was time for it to go. It took him two days to cut it down enough that it could be handled, and then he had to hook this large section that was left to the back of our truck (via a cable) to be able to pull the roots out of the ground! Luckily, Nick was available to help Dave wheel the leftover part out to the front of the house & put it in the back of our truck so it could be hauled off to the dump.

This is the backdrop for the play that my 2/3 Multiage class performed last month. It is a huge 'tree' painted on a white sheet with a brown trunk made out of butcher paper. I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted it to look like before I started painting it, and I was so happy with the results! And now that the play is over, hopefully the songs from the play will quit playing over and over in my mind in the middle of the night:
"We're nuts, we're nuts, we're really really nuts
We're nuts, we're nuts, we're really really nuts
We may seem silly and willy nilly
But I'm telling you we're all just n-u-t-s!!!"
Enjoy the journey!!