Monday, May 26, 2008

Remembering. . . .

Those Who Dare Fight
by Roger Robicheau
Since our inception, we’ve been free
Praise those brave who’ve kept this to be
America, how blessed we are
By those who dare fight, each bright star
Our brave do not dodge, love bears pride
When called to move out, how they stride
They show they’re our absolute plus
They'll not send mixed signals to us
They keep our strong freedom alive
In a world where it’s tough to survive
All who proudly marched in our past
Their deeds helped this nation to last
To the brave war has taken away
Hold Solemn Memorial Day
Honor each with love and respect
Take time to feel sorrow, reflect
Pray to God as our young march on
Leading liberty through each dawn
Show thankfulness, wholehearted care
They stand for us, with pride, sincere

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Don't bother me, I'm sleeping. . . .

Both Patches and I have both been trying to get some extra sleep. She, of course, is trying to get in her cat naps, but I've been trying to shake a cold that turned into an ear infection. Yes, an ear infection!! And boy, do they hurt! No wonder babies cry so hard when they get one!

Only four more weeks of school left, but the end of the year brings lots of busy projects to get done! Can't wait for summer, when I can try to get back to being more c r e a t i v e and to finally get some of my scrapbooking done!! I still have my hundreds of pictures of Greece to scrap from last year's trip!

Belated Happy Mother's Day to my friends with kids! I wanted to post on that day but was sick all that weekend. Did manage to have a couple of favorites to celebrate the day. . . .

champagne and Mexican food. Yum! : )
Dave and the boys treated me really great all day!
What a great life! Hope you had a great day as well.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Not looking good. . . . .

Ha! One of my favorite quotes! And what I've been feeling lately, given the amount of WORK I have to do for my Master's! Two more papers due by midnight tomorrow. . . and I start a new class on Monday! The good news is: I'll be done with my Master's classes the end of July. The bad news is: the new school year for teachers starts on August 14th! That's only TWO weeks!