One of my little teddy bears did a nosedive the other day. . . . and I thought it looked
so cute. . . . so I went to grab my camera to take a picture of it. He looks so much like he's doing a somersault, don't you think? : )
I had no qualms taking a picture of this (okay, three pictures) because I now have a digital camera. (A really nice one, thanks to my husband and my mom & dad---a wonderful Christmas gift!) It took me a long time to actually go 'completely digital.' I clung onto my 'regular' camera for a long time. When Dave & I went to Greece last year, he brought his digital, but I insisted that I bring my camera with 'real' film. While both took great pictures, it was Dave's digital camera pictures that gave me the most options; I could print the pictures I wanted, send ones I wanted enlarged to a local store and have them sent back to me, etc.
And since this year is my year of being 'creative' I am finding that having my digital camera allows me to take pictures of many more things than I would have with my 'real' camera. The digital one allows me to look at the pictures, delete them, keep them, play with them, send them to others, post on this blog, etc. I am having the most fun with it! So, now I feel like I'm catching up to the times. : )
However, I haven't done digital scrapbooking. . . . .I don't think I will, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future! I still love picking the layers that go on a page, from the paper to the embellishments. It makes my creative juices flow, and I find it so enjoyable. But, never say never. . . . . . after all, I 'never' thought I'd go 100% digital, either! : )